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Welcome Back!

Updated: May 16, 2021

Welcome back! Limited in-person worship at St. Philip resumes on Sunday, April 18, at our regular 9:00 AM liturgy. The liturgy will continue to stream live on Facebook and YouTube (and will also be available for later viewing as a recording). We will also continue to offer a brief liturgy of Holy Communion in the parking lot every Sunday at 10:30 AM.

Click here for more information about procedures regarding in-person worship

and how we're keeping everyone safe.

***Update 5/12/21***

Capacity for in-person worship has now been increased to 40 persons

(including worship leaders).

***Update 5/16/21***

Registration for in-person worship is no longer required. If you choose to attend, please plan to arrive by 8:45 so that an usher can record your attendance for contact-tracing purposes. Masks and physical distancing are still required at this time. Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe and healthy!

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