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St. Philip baptismal font

We welcome all people to the waters of baptism. We believe that in baptism God names us as a beloved child of God and draws us into the Christian family. At the same time, it is just the beginning of a lifelong process of daily remembrance of God’s grace in our life. Baptism is appropriate for children as well as adults.


Baptisms always happen in the context of our Sunday worship service, surrounded by the Christian family which will make promises to pray for you and support you in your faith journey.


Contact us to inquire about baptism.


As Lutheran Christians, we believe that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are truly the body and blood of Christ, God’s gifts for you. Since we are all on a lifelong journey of understanding the mystery of this sacrament, all are always welcome at Christ's table.


Typically, children receive Holy Communion for the first time when their parents and pastor determine they’re ready, though this practice can vary from congregation to congregation.​


Contact us to inquire about communion preparation for children (or adults).


Since most of us are baptized as infants, with promises made by our parents to nurture our faith, the church also provides for opportunities for individuals, typically around 7th or 8th grade, to come to learn more about the faith of the church and make public profession of their faith through the rite of Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation).


Contact us to inquire about confirmation instruction.


At St. Philip, we welcome and support the marriage of two people in love, regardless of marital history, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Our goal is to provide support as you prepare for your wedding day and the years to come.


Contact us to inquire about weddings, including pre-marital counseling.


We are truly a church family, and we mourn with you when you mourn. The inevitable occasion of death in the life of a Christian and their community is quite complex. While we are saddened by the loss of our sibling in this pilgrimage on earth, we remember that our loved one now shares fully in new life in Christ. While we mourn our loss, we also give thanks to God for the hope of eternal life that we share through Christ.


We will ensure there is pastoral care as the end of life comes near, and we will work with you to plan a meaningful funeral at St. Philip.


Contact us to inquire about end-of-life and funeral planning.

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