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  • stphilipglenview

Midweek Evening Prayer - Wednesdays in November

All are invited to join us for a short, simple service of scripture, reflection, music, and prayer to end the day.

Wednesdays in November (4, 11, and 18) at 7:00pm

This liturgical experience is specifically designed to be primarily listened to, enabling those without computer or internet access to worship by phone without a visual component.

Join us by phone:

  1. Dial 312-626-6799.

  2. Input meeting ID 832 1047 9949, then #, when prompted.

  3. There is no participant ID. Just press #.

  4. You will hear a message that you are in the meeting, followed by a message that you are in the waiting room. The meeting host (Pastor Josh) will admit you shortly.

If you have any questions about dialing in by phone to Zoom, please be in touch with Parish Administrator Gemma Batty or Pastor Josh Evans.

We'll begin with a brief word of welcome, followed by introductions so those participating by phone know who else we're worshipping with. Pastor Josh will then share a reading and short reflection, followed by a hymn that Minister of Music Kjel Hanson will accompany and sing. Participants will be muted, so you are welcome to sing along at home if you know the words, or just listen. We'll end with a time of prayer and blessing.

Participants can also join by computer, tablet, or smartphone through the Zoom app:

Please note that this is the same meeting ID and Zoom information for GLOW Exploration, which begins at 7:30. If you are attending both, you are welcome to remain on the phone or in the meeting during the break in between.


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