Join us for Christmas Eve worship as we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord!
Thursday, December 24
8:00 PM
A familiar liturgy of readings, music, a children's message, candelight, and communion for this most holy night. The service will premiere on YouTube and Facebook at 8:00 PM on Thursday evening and will be available to watch anytime thereafter.
Click here to watch on Facebook or below to watch on YouTube:
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Grab your favorite pew in our virtual sanctuary
and join us to worship together on Zoom on this holy night.
Join by computer or on the Zoom app:
Meeting ID: 832 5219 3959
Passcode: 813386
Join by phone:
Dial 312-626-6799 and input the meeting ID and password when prompted:
Meeting ID: 832 5219 3959
Passcode: 813386 (Note: There is no participant ID. Just push # when prompted.)