With the recent headlines of sexual harassment and misconduct in the media, the #MeToo Movement, and an increasing attentiveness of sexism existing today, do you ever wonder how we as people of faith talk about and think about these social issues?
Over the years, the ELCA has developed, adopted and published eleven Social Statements to provide a broad framework for leaders and individuals to use in considering such issues as: Abortion, Health Care, Education, Capital Punishment, Human Sexuality, Race, ethnicity and culture, just to name a few. These Social Statements are teaching documents which can help us think through difficult, but important issues. They are not written to tell us what to do but are for study and conversation to aid our understanding of how as people of faith we are to live our lives in love and service to our neighbors.
The ELCA task force on Women and Justice: One in Christ has been at work since 2012 and, as planned, a draft Social Statement on “Women and Justice” was released this past November. This Social Statement speaks to the big picture of sexism and patriarchy and identifies ways in which we have participated but also ways in which we should respond to such injustices.
During Lent, Vicar Julie, as her Seminarian Project, will be leading a three-part study of the ELCA’s “Women and Justice” draft Social Statement. Copies of the draft Social Statement will be provided at the first session. It will be important to read the statement and participate in all three sessions so that we use this opportunity to respond and provide feedback to the Task Force to help shape the final version of the Social Statement.
Come and engage in these important conversations from 7:30- 8:30 pm Wednesday 2/21, 3/7, and 3/21. To learn more or if you have questions, please contact Vicar Julie at vicar@stphilipglenview.org